Aug 16, 2007

Bryan Leavin'

So this last week has been pretty crazy, with me getting ready to move down to school, and spending time with Bryan, before seeing him off on his mission yesterday.

Caitlyn and I threw him a party-esque thing on saturday night. A bunch of people came over and we all hung out. We watched some Young Frankenstein, one of Bryan's favorite movies, and had a good ol' time.

On tuesday night he got set apart at the stake center. We took some pictures and whatnot. Later that night he said goodbye to all his friends, which was pretty sad to see. Later that night it all kinda started to hit me that my brother and best friend all my life was going to be gone for two years.

I didnt get much sleep tuesday night (I finally fell asleep around 3:30am), and we woke up wednesday bright and early at 6am. We had a pretty long 4 hour drive down to the Provo Missionary Training Center.

At the MTC we said our goodbyes, and went our separate ways. We tried to make it quick and painless, kinda like pulling off a band-aid. The drive home kinda sucked, especially because it was so long.

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About Me

Logan, Utah, United States
Graphic Design Student at Utah State University